
Priscila Ikeda aluna formanda de 2011, realizou o teste oficial Toefl iBT e obteve a pontuação de 88, tendo atingido alto nível em listening e reading.

Confira o e-mail que ela enviou a teacher Sanae, assim que recebeu o resultado:

“I have done the toefl iBT and my result came today. I would like to say that I took a score of 88 points with high levels in reading and listening and fair levels in speaking and writing.
I hope that you like the result of one of your old student 🙂
Thank you for being my teacher!
Please, send my “thank you” to teacher Marielle too 🙂
Priscila Ikeda”

Congratulations Priscila!!!

CCBEU is proud of you!!!

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