
President Barack Obama delivered an important speech on the Middle East and North Africa yesterday in which he outlined how the United States will seize this historic opportunity to promote democratic reform, economic development, and peace and security across the region.  As President Obama stated in his speech, “…after decades of accepting the world as it is in the region, we have a chance to pursue the world as it should be.”

Many of you may have tuned in to watch the speech live and share it with your students—thank you for your efforts.  We encourage you to use the speech as a basis for discussions.  The entire speech can be found in English at and in Portuguese at .
In addition, a useful Fact Sheet has been prepared by the White House that clearly summarizes President Obama’s policy on various topics from the speech.  You can find it at .
We welcome your thoughts, opinions, and questions.  Please engage in the continued conversation on our Facebook site http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/EmbaixadadosEUA.BR.

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