E o vencedor é: Luiz Eduardo Condessa Z.
Congratulations Luiz!
Confira porque a mãe do Luiz é um estrela:
“My mother is not only a star, she is the Sun that heats and illuminates my day. She is the earth that provides me with a safe harbor. She is a star that makes my day more beautiful. She is a constellation which lets me see how beautiful everything is, as she is. My mother is more than everything. She is my mother, the person who thinks more of me than herself and always knows what I prefer, does anything to see me smile, makes me feel close to her even if she is away. My mother lets me be part of her day, so that I could smile with her and be at her side. My mother has so many qualities that if I were to mention all of them, it would take me one whole day writing. She knows how to love as nobody else does, she knows how to cook that yummy food, which nobody else knows how to. She knows how to be a big case of secrets. She is one of the best heart psychologists, a great friend, whom I can share everything with. Having my mother as part of my daily life is a great gift from God. I have no idea how my life would be if I did not have my mother present in my daily routine. That’s why I thank you, MOM, for existing and for being who you are.”